I have been interviewing this week. I saw a Partner from a ‘small’ firm with 200 attorneys. The proposed work is securitization. They securitize anything from Landlord-Tenant agreements to Carbon Emission Credits. Yes, it is a strange business the things that lawyers and bankers are able to create rights from. I also emailed my resume to the professor who sponsored my trip to Michigan. He gave my resume to a ‘headhunter’ to see if s/he could find me a place at a firm in NY. Doubtless, these are not easy times.
As I type, I am on a train from DC to New York. [You should have seen me running on the streets of D.C. trying to catch the Amtrak at Union Station! The train left exactly 11 seconds after I got through the door!!!] I was interviewing at the World Bank. They were excellent people. 2 separate interviews; 2 panels of 4 people. Panel 1: Senior associates; Panel 2: ‘Front office” panel made up of Deputy Vice-Presidents of the WB. Pay-cut notwithstanding (entry-level counsel probably make $50,000 - $80,000 less than their law firm contemporaries do), I think the World Bank is always an excellent opportunity. I hope to hear from them – for good or bad – in a few weeks. As an aside, the Bank is at the corner of Pennsylvania St. Of course, you know what that means… I went to visit the White House on 1600 Penn. St.! [I feel your envy. I am sorry I cannot do anything about it though.] From the White House, I went over to one of the veteran memorials…the one with a 545ft obelisk.
My highpoint was coming. As I stood staring at the obelisk, I looked to the left and there was the dome of Capitol Hill. And while I was in awe of the sight of the Capitol, I spun around and something caught my eye. It was a Temple. And it is a temple in every sense of the word. In its hallowed pillars – all 36 of them – sat an illuminated figure. Since the night darkened the rest of the temple, the figure shone from afar. All dressed in white, regal, and deified, there sat Abraham Lincoln! I will only tell you that I forgot the Capitol in a heartbeat, walked the full 1 mile to the Lincoln Memorial and went inside the temple. I sat on the floor inside until I began to freeze. [Did you know that the Capitol Hill dome, the veteran’s memorial, and the Lincoln Memorial are in a straight line? You cannot see Capitol Hill from the center of the Lincoln mem.]
This was my encounter with deity!
As I type, I am on a train from DC to New York. [You should have seen me running on the streets of D.C. trying to catch the Amtrak at Union Station! The train left exactly 11 seconds after I got through the door!!!] I was interviewing at the World Bank. They were excellent people. 2 separate interviews; 2 panels of 4 people. Panel 1: Senior associates; Panel 2: ‘Front office” panel made up of Deputy Vice-Presidents of the WB. Pay-cut notwithstanding (entry-level counsel probably make $50,000 - $80,000 less than their law firm contemporaries do), I think the World Bank is always an excellent opportunity. I hope to hear from them – for good or bad – in a few weeks. As an aside, the Bank is at the corner of Pennsylvania St. Of course, you know what that means… I went to visit the White House on 1600 Penn. St.! [I feel your envy. I am sorry I cannot do anything about it though.] From the White House, I went over to one of the veteran memorials…the one with a 545ft obelisk.
My highpoint was coming. As I stood staring at the obelisk, I looked to the left and there was the dome of Capitol Hill. And while I was in awe of the sight of the Capitol, I spun around and something caught my eye. It was a Temple. And it is a temple in every sense of the word. In its hallowed pillars – all 36 of them – sat an illuminated figure. Since the night darkened the rest of the temple, the figure shone from afar. All dressed in white, regal, and deified, there sat Abraham Lincoln! I will only tell you that I forgot the Capitol in a heartbeat, walked the full 1 mile to the Lincoln Memorial and went inside the temple. I sat on the floor inside until I began to freeze. [Did you know that the Capitol Hill dome, the veteran’s memorial, and the Lincoln Memorial are in a straight line? You cannot see Capitol Hill from the center of the Lincoln mem.]

It is so obvious how much I have been blessed to be able to sit and stare at the statue of Lincoln, as well as everything that has been given to me in the last few years. For those who listen to the words of the Catholic Mass, the priest says to the Almighty, ‘We thank you for counting us worthy to stand in your presence and serve you.’ The feeling is similar. My trips to Houston, Michigan, Washington D.C., New York…the beautiful people I met at LSU, the kindness I have received everywhere…it really has been a very wonderful time in America!
Next week, I have 3 interviews: an office visit to PwC; an intro interview with Delloitte; and, an interview with a San Antonio-based tax boutique. I cannot seem to get an interview with the large law firms. This may be for the best, or it may be the embers of a disaster. I will keep us informed of how this life unfolds for me.
How has your week been?
Next week, I have 3 interviews: an office visit to PwC; an intro interview with Delloitte; and, an interview with a San Antonio-based tax boutique. I cannot seem to get an interview with the large law firms. This may be for the best, or it may be the embers of a disaster. I will keep us informed of how this life unfolds for me.
How has your week been?