
Lyricists greater than I....

An old friend of mine just got married. Wrapped in the thoughts of my own twisted life, I forgot the date of his wedding. I swear, I could have attempted to go. (My attempt would have failed...but, I would have attempted, at least, to assuage my conscience.)

However, what triggered his memory (which of course, helped me conclude that I had missed his wedding) was a song. I have a penchant for songs that come to me "in the middle of the night"...songs I don't think about; songs I sometimes do not know the lyrics of when I listen to them... yet, "in the middle of the night" the lyrics come to me - when I least expect. Those are the songs that thrill me.

Well, for my old friend's wedding, he and his much-better-half had a website designed. I know many people pooh-pooh the idea of wedding websites. Nevertheless, I think these websites have their purposes.

Anyways, his wedding website has this gorgeous song playing as the theme! And though the lyrics of the song are not too difficult to decipher, they actually only came to me when I least expected..."in the middle of the night", so to speak.

I have been on the other side of "happy" recently. My heart longs to be close to love. Regardless of my moodiness, the lyrics of the song came to me. Today, I googled a line of the lyrics to find the singer's name. What I got was Kenny Lattimore! I'm certain the singer on my old friend's website is a woman...

But all these are only peripheral to the point. My hands are typing right now just to say the words of the song are divine! For you guys, the lyrics speak of a committment so great that few will be willing to honestly declare it. The first line goes, "For you I'd give a lifetime of fidelity, anything you ask of me...." Hmmmm, I see that you see my point.

For you ladies, the lyrics speak of a release ...and an openness that runs agains the normal thread of womenfolk (...Nothing is impossible/For you there are no highs, or lows, or in-betweens of my heart that you haven't seen....).

I'm glad that the song plays repeatedly on the website. I can put up my feet, stretch out my brief legs and just listen...dreaming of when I can make these promises real for someone else. I'm considering having the song play at my wedding!

I urge you to read the lyrics here:

Go to my friend's website and listen to the song play here:

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