

Wow! Hasn't this been an interesting week!

As you might know, I moved to Houston last week to work as a Summer Associate at a law firm. I would love to write about how I got here sometimes, but each time I start to write, I find myself rambling, bringing out so many issues that I cannot fully address. So, I crave your indulgence to postpone that story a little further.

Well, my first day at work comprised of a series of training sessions. Apparently, you cannot just pop in and start researching and writing Memos. I learn that I have sponsors - in my section, in the recruitment committee (and in some other places I neither comprehend nor recall). I learn how to keep record of my time - in tenths, or quarters, of an hour, depending on the eccentricity of my client. I learn how to work my phone, fax, printers, laptop, blackberry (!) etc. By the way, a partner thought it would be remiss if she did not leave me some work to wrap my mind around on my first day - even though she is in Scotland! It is the introduction to very interesting times.

Generally, everyday, someone pays for my lunch - attorney employment office, my section sponsor or just someone in my section. It seems like the partners have schedules to take the Summers to lunch. I've already had some very interesting lunches. And I have met some pretty awesome people. For the hours, the pay, the camaraderie, this job might be one of my best ever. I am savoring the moments, of course.

One thing has been remarkable though. I've often found myself looking at my surreal surroundings: the places I've gone to eat, the people who ask for my time, the people who have been pleased to hear my opinions. Looking around me, I have rarely seen black faces. Too many times, I have been the only black person in the room; perhaps, the only black person in the building. The color of my company has often been emblematic of the sophistication of my surroundings. Unfortunate, but true. Fortunately, though, color is neither an issue that I propagate nor police. Inevitably, favor has drawn its face in sophistication and favor stands before me and behind me…continuously.

This reminds me of a few weeks ago in the shower and a lesson about fortune. I had just spoken to one of my favorite people in Nigeria and she was worried about the future - something that characterizes most of my contemporaries. I had these same thoughts and worries not too long ago. And while regaling in the escape that only running water can bring, I found this moral from my times. With all the things that could go wrong - me, a minority, with a very fragile physical presence, from a much-vilified country, from an unfavorably ranked school, with absolutely no influences or connections home or abroad, living in one of the smallest cities, an orphan - good fortune still found a way to my doorstep.

Perhaps, you are facing challenging times. We always think that no one is in such a quagmire as we are. We have every reason to believe that things will go wrong. I have these quagmires; I give myself these reasons too. Yet, regardless of the odds, and sometimes in the face of my utter lack of faith, good fortune found me. My circumstances have been more than ordinary but I doubt that they've been peculiar.

JFK said, "Let us not pray for easier times; let us pray to be stronger men".

I only pray that you find the strength to believe in yourself.

Fortune and favor will find you too.

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