
The Internet World's Top Hoaxes!

Here I am...3 hours before my final in-class exam.... and I decide to click on the Yahoo! icon on my perpetually-open laptop.

I saw this story about the Top 25 Web Hoaxes. I really despise those chain e-mails that try to make you feel guilty if you don't send them along. It is one of my commitments to my sanity to be a stop-point for any such email. I pray the prayers ('Our father, we're sorry that we have sinned....'); pity the pitiable children needing me to forward the email to all my friends so that AOL will contribute 7c to their surgery (as if AOL cares in making Yahoo!/G-mail more widely used), etc. But, I do not forward the emails.

Personally, I think the world is crazy enough - just as it is!


omohemi Benson said...

I thought I was the only one who got all those emails. Gosh!

Anonymous said...

I never forward those things either...and I don't feel bad about it either.