
New City; New Work.

New cities are interesting.

As you might know, I've just moved to Houston for the summer, coming from remote Lagos, Nigeria and then, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Houston, Texas is a new world all by itself.

I live in the Downtown area. Skyscrapers surround me daily. As I walk along the cobbled streets, I try not to stare too high up at the buildings otherwise, everyone will soon know that I'm new to the city. It's a little dazing to stare too. Yet, I am amazed at how the constructors were able to build such tall structures so close beside each other. Architecture has long amazed me anyways. I live close by the Enron Building, the Regent Hyatt, the Shell towers, the Kellogg-Brown-Root towers…I could go on and on.

My office is in the First City Tower Building which is a walk away from where I live. I like that. It means that I never have to worry too much about getting to work or getting back home. Even in the rainy weather, any punishment I receive from the skies will certainly be less than what I endured on some days in Lagos. My office is on the 19th fl. I have never had an office this high up; but, that is not saying much since I have not had that many offices anyway! However, looking out my windows makes me think of 9/11. I remember seeing pictures of people jumping out of the world trade center. Hmm,…for a rational man (or woman) to jump out of any storey higher than where I am now (the 19th) believing that greater hope lay in the jump than within the confines of the crumbling tower tells me that the building must have been imperiled far beyond my imagination. The decision to jump would literally involve taking your life into your own hands (or legs!!).

Well, my office has not waited for me to settle in order to find some serious work for my hands. So this typing is a luxury that I cannot truly afford. Considering that U.S. tax is my thing, my learning curve is steeper than I can begin to explain….I'm sure you will understand that I cannot tell you every detail going forward…yet, I shall try.

However, this is my new life, with a new job, in a new city. For these things, I am more than grateful to the Eternal Ones.

Work begins...it is why I am here.

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